About Urban

Who is Urban Björn and Business as Equals?

Karriärpodden #164 (Swedish)  Listen here 

BayInCo (Be All You Can Be): Listen here 

OxyTalk (in swedish)  Watch here 

Jämställdhet för tillväxt (in swedish), nr 20  Listen here 

Inkluderingspodden (Swedish)  Listen here 

Fannys förebilder nr. 133 (Swedish) Listen here 

International women in business (Swedish) Listen here 

The Evolution Exchange Podcast (Shaun Hughes) Listen here

En kaffe med reflektion (Magnus Lewrén) Listen here

Health for Wealth, nr. 268 Listen here

Speech at Unbiased Day: Watch here

Digitala Influencerpodden (Swedish): Listen here

I am an economist and have worked as a manager and leader for many years in the financial sector,mainly in Investment Banking, and in recent years in the HR area where my interest and focus ended up on Equality, Diversity and Inclusion - and how to make this work in practice. In 2018, I was Head of D&I at Swedbank Group and conducted workshops on the theme with 55 management teams and over 1,000 managers. 

Today, I have helped more than 70 companies (over 4 years), who want to take a big step in practice to get the full (business) potential of Equality, Diversity and Inclusion. +3000 managers and leaders I have had the opportunity to train in Inclusive Leadership. I am also responsible for Diversity & Inclusion within Executive HUB's Advisory Board and am the initiator of Diversity Charter Sweden's operations in Gothenburg. I am also a mentor to Bahati, Hussam, Wissam, Veronika and Abdirizak within the non-profit organization Öppet Hus. Since 2022, I am also part of the consulting group Oxy Group, which oxygenates organizations.